
Rant - "All this has happened before, all this will happen again."

This is going to be unforgivably nerdy.

This month, DC Comics is rebooting nearly all of its titles. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Action Comics, Detective Comics, Green Lantern et al. will all be reset to #1, as will (presumably) the stories of those depicted in each one’s pages. If I’m to use the hastily improvised analogy of DC as a militarized force, Justice League #1—August 31st—is the forward scout, and the flagship titles set to premiere next Wednesday will make up the first wave. I suppose the new Hawkman will head up the air squadron, though judging by the pang of shame I just felt it seems I’ve taken this metaphor too far.


Analysis - Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart"

Scrolling through my iTunes playlist can be a little odd. It’s an even balance of rock, electronic, jazz, movie soundtracks and some lighter, folky stuff, with a dash of pop or alt country thrown in to taste. I don’t consider myself a connoisseur, at least not on the level of my dad (“Check out this Norwegian saxophonist.”), but I like to think that by this point in my life I’ve acquired a decent musical education.

This post is not about my iTunes library, however; it is, at least, initially, how the alphabetical arrangement of my iTunes library led to the calming strains of Bon Iver’s “Calgary” fading out and being replaced by the opening notes of Bonnie Tyler’s “Total Eclipse of the Heart. But primarily it’s about how the music video for “Total Eclipse” is simultaneously the most inexplicable and awesome short film ever shown on MTV.


Review - The King of Limbs

Written and Performed by Radiohead
Produced by Nigel Godrich
Released under Ticker Tape

I woke up at 5:50 Monday morning with three journal entries due for 11:30 and my system still incredibly fatigued from little sleep. Yet by six I had been jarred awake—not by coffee or a similar stimulant, mind you, but by the completely unexpected announcement of a new Radiohead album to be released later in the week.

It’s a rare occasion to find oneself on the same footing as most major music publications, and let me tell you it’s strangely refreshing.


Review - Ravenna Gets

Written by Tony Burgess
Published by Anvil Press

A story:

A person—who they are, what they do, what cares and woes they may have are all irrelevant—goes about their daily business, maybe slacks off, maybe quibbles with another, and is then suddenly and horribly slaughtered.

Rinse and repeat and the final product is Tony Burgess' Ravenna Gets.